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Michelangelo legacy

After significant due diligence, the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. accepted a donation made by the Stewart Family Partners of the cast marble reproductions of Michelangelo’s works (beginning with the Pieta, to be followed by the Bruges Madonna, a bust from the David, the Madonna of the Steps, the Taddei Tondo, and the Pitti Tondo).


The Museum of the Bible plans to display each item as part of their long-term curatorial plan, with Michelangelo’s Pieta exhibited in the Grand Hall with special access for sight-impaired guests. By displaying these iconic sculptures at the Museum of the Bible, people who otherwise could not travel to Europe to view the originals can experience Michelangelo’s greatest works in close proximity, from every angle and in every detail.


Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the museum is temporarily closed and will host a private unveiling of the masterpiece as soon as it is feasible.

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Aside from the many accomplishments in the areas of business and finance, Mr. Stewart sought to define his journey further. On April 14, 2012, Mr. Stewart and ten other men committed to being ‘men of courage’ by embarking on a 3-month study called ‘Courageous’. During this time Richard had to search within his own soul and take an honest look at what being a godly husband and father meant. On June 10, 2012 and ceremony was held for Mr. Stewart and these men, together they made a covenant with God by signing a resolution stating their commitment to act courageously and be men that God intended. His family, friends and community were witnesses in support of Mr. Stewart.


The Bible scripture reads, “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord, will flourish in the courts of our God, they will bear fruit even in old age.” Because of Richard’s continued pursuit to becoming a godly man through the commitments he made, he will bear godly fruit with his business partners, in his community and the Stewart generation.


Richard knew the first time he saw Esther he was going to marry her. They married in 1969 and built a beautiful life together. Not every day has been perfect, and they have encountered challenges along their life journey. Searching for support, they learned about Retrouvaille and decided to attend a weekend event. They now support a ministry devoted to helping couples work through conflict and stay with one another. “Retrouvaille” (pronounced re-tro-vi with a long i) is a French word meaning rediscovery. The Retrouvaille Program is a weekend experience combined with a series of 6 to 12 weekend sessions over the course of 3 months. The purpose of the program is to provide marriages with the tools necessary to heal and thrive. The main emphasis of Retrouvaille is positive communication between husband and wife. Retrouvaille offers the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine their relationship in a positive light through communication.


Richard and Esther began their path of rediscovery in 2003 when they were facing relationship challenges. Richard and Esther attended Retrouvaille as a final effort to save their marriage where they gained the ability to understand each other’s feelings. The first weekend experiences and the follow-up work they completed over the following months opened their lines of communication; ultimately saving their marriage, family, and strengthening their relationship with their children. Richard and Esther continued to be active participants in the program and since were elected by Retrouvaille to be on The Board of Directors. Together, they have become weekend presenters for Stage 1: Encounter with Self and Stage 3: The Journey Ahead. Additionally, they deliver Post 7 and 8: Conflict Management.


Helping to save troubled marriages using compassion, open communication and forgiveness, is one of the Stewarts’ most precious and proudest accomplishments. When they deliver a seminar, relationships are positively changed. Together they appreciate and understand how God can turn their troubled marriage into one that helps bring healing and hope to other couples. Investing in others is a rewarding feeling for the Stewart’s.

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